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SIDNEY LANIER Class of 1957 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 728
Getting older and proud of it! Yes like it or not.....we're all getting a little grayer, a few more wrinkles, carrying a few extra lbs, a few less hairs. It's part of life! Share recent pictures of yourselves or with your families.. Simply click add photos link.

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Charles Duncan
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6495

Barbara McInnis Mincey who lives in Montgomery.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6627

Bonie Baron now lives in Irvine, Ca.
Posted By: Tommy Ragsdale
Views: 6416

We are so happy because our granddaughter graduated last night and will be off to Ole Miss in the fall. Send us some pics of you to put up. Looking forward to seeing you in July!
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6406

Judy Justice Powell
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6436

Mac Dauphin, and he hasn't changed! Still has a flat stomach.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6149

Billy Northington and his wife, Winnie, and one of his sons, Stephen. Stephen is running for the Georgia Insurance Commissioner on the Republican ticket.
Posted By: Billy Northington
Views: 6243

Picture from their reunion, Albert Elebash, Ham Newson ( Libby's brother) and Bowen Ballard.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6696

Billy Fowler
Posted By: jean colquitt
Views: 6758

Everyone got a Chris' hotdog on Saturday
Posted By: Tommy Ragsdale
Views: 6563

Sandy Garner, wife of Pat Garner
Posted By: Tommy Ragsdale
Views: 6481

Pat Garner, former coach at Robert E. Lee
Posted By: Tommy Ragsdale
Views: 6652

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