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SIDNEY LANIER Class of 1957 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 728
Getting older and proud of it! Yes like it or not.....we're all getting a little grayer, a few more wrinkles, carrying a few extra lbs, a few less hairs. It's part of life! Share recent pictures of yourselves or with your families.. Simply click add photos link.

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Mary Jo Purvis Martin
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6602

Billy in his 1957 jersey when Auburn had last won the National Championship. Many folks took his picture!
Posted By: Charlotte Fowler
Views: 6347

Big celebration for Lee's birthday! ( and all us Southeners know which Lee )
Posted By: Anne Henry Tidmore
Views: 6614

Judy Paterson
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6710

Patty Brooks
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6491

Billy Fowler can still ride a bike but we don't know what took place after he got the picture taken!
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6290

Kushner family at Curacao- Daughter Reyna, son in law Larry, grand-daughter Ali, and grand-son Harrison
Posted By: Jack Kushner
Views: 6358

Larry and I celebrated our 50th today, Dec. 30th.
Posted By: Jean Parker Colquitt
Views: 6549

The Lunch Bunch - Ann, Emily, Susan, Laura, and Carol
Posted By: Emily Hinson
Views: 6760

Judy and Jack Powell
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6667

Charlotte Fowler is a BIG Auburn fan !!
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6587

Our old Cloverdale auditorium has been refurbished and is now a place First Methodist uses on Sunday nights for their Ancient-Future services.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 6409

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