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SIDNEY LANIER Class of 1957 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 728
Getting older and proud of it! Yes like it or not.....we're all getting a little grayer, a few more wrinkles, carrying a few extra lbs, a few less hairs. It's part of life! Share recent pictures of yourselves or with your families.. Simply click add photos link.

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Nancy Villar Dennis on left.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 4810

Susan Foster with Donald Trump Jr in Montgomery. Susan has always worked hard for the Republican Party.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 4864

We have also lost May Handey and Ellen Tyson seated with May behind her. Do not have a picture of David Godbold who died recently also. We are really losing so many of our classmates lately. Every ...
Posted By: Jean Parker Colquitt
Views: 4858

We all lost a sweet friend this week and none of our classmates will miss her as much as her closest friend, Judy Justice.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 4891

We lost our friend  Sue Hargrove on Oct. 9th. She is pictured above at our last reunion with her husband, George King, and friend Sally Anderson.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 4600

Hard to lose a close friend and classmate, George Dibble. We have lost 77 of our classmates that we have records of.
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 4598

We just lost one of our Lanier graduates, George Dibble. He will be buried at Arlington Cemetary. George pictured here with Joe Price, David Stacey, and Cobb Laslie.
Posted By: Jean Parker Colquitt
Views: 4498

Susan Foster and her son.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 4656

Many may remember Haywood Sport from Lanier 55. Played basketball and Larry's Auburn roommate.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 4520

Clyde Pearson who just died Sept 21, 2016. Will miss you Clyde.
Posted By: Neil Grigg
Views: 4641

Emily Andrews Kosolapoff  and husband living in Auburn now.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 4560

Carolyn Gay and Pat Wells close friends forever.
Posted By: Jean Colquitt
Views: 4664

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