SIDNEY LANIER Class of 1957
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SIDNEY LANIER Class of 1957 - Photo Galleries

Welcome to our Photo Galleries feature. If you or a group of classmates would like to start a separated special interest photo gallery you may submit a request by clicking on the contact administrator button.

  • 1 Year Reunion

  • 1 Year Reunion

  • 1 Year Reunion

  • 1 Year Reunion

  • 1 Year Reunion

  • 1 Year Reunion

  • 50 Year Reunion/Class of 56
  • Class of 56

  • 50 Year Reunion/Class of 57
  • As you can see from the following photos we had a great turnout and everyone had a wonderful time at our 50 year reunion. If you didn't make this one we hope to see you at our next one!

  • 50 Year Reunion/Class of 58

  • 59 Year Reunion
  • 59 Year Get Together/Class of 57

  • 60 Year Reunion
  • 60 th reunion

  • 62nd Year Reunion
  • 62nd Year Reunion

  • Class Museum
  • In 1886 this fountain was purchased for $7000 and put over one of the city's oldest wells 'Big Basin' on Court Street

  • Club: Book Club
  • The Bookers is the name of our club. We plan on selecting 9 books a year to read (Jan, Feb, Mar, April, May & June, July & Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov & Dec). This gives us a break in the summer and during the main holiday season.

  • Club: School Cafeteria
  • The school cafeteria was never quite like this! For all of you who love to dabble in the culinary arts or just love to partake in a good meal....this online forum is for sharing and discussing your favorite recipes and other matters of culinary interest.

  • In Memory of
  • James Andrews
    Emily Andrews
    Rebecca Athey
    DeAnne Ausborn
    Fred Baggett
    Dan Bailey
    Rebecca Barfoot
    Davis Bazzell
    Jeff Beard
    Susann Beasley
    Gearaldine Beers
    Jim Bishop
    Umphrey Bowling
    Christopher Bond
    Bill Brian
    Jerry Britton
    Tom Britton
    Irene Brock
    Jimmy Brooks
    Dudley Calhoun
    Barbara Carl
    James Cook
    Jane Crump
    Elna Cumbee
    Joyce Davis
    Sidney Dawkins
    Carolyn Dees

  • Look at us now
  • Getting older and proud of it! Yes like it or not.....we're all getting a little grayer, a few more wrinkles, carrying a few extra lbs, a few less hairs. It's part of life! Share recent pictures of yourselves or with your families.. Simply click add photos link.

  • Looking Back
  • Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.

  • We Got Together
  • Gotten together with some of your classmates recently? Post pictures of your get togethers for others to enjoy.

  • Yearbook
  • Welcome to our electronic class yearbook. We hope you enjoy browsing these pages from our class past.

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