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SIDNEY LANIER Class of 1957 - 50 Year Reunion/Class of 57
Pictures in Gallery: 65
As you can see from the following photos we had a great turnout and everyone had a wonderful time at our 50 year reunion. If you didn't make this one we hope to see you at our next one!

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Jackie and Bobby Allie and in the background Ronnie and Pat Rose.
Posted By: Cobb lASLIE
Views: 3148

George Dibble, Judy Justice, Laura Burford, Neal Pope, and Anne Henry
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3194

Judy Justice Powell and Pidgie Dismukes ( Bill's wife)
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3312

Carol Covey Goodwyn and Virginia Pope (Neal's wife)
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3304

George and Susan Bagwell. Thanks for hosting us on Friday night!
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3151

George Dibble and Jerry Britton
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3039

Courtney Dibble and George Bagwell
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3171

Marlow Reese and Susan Bagwell at the Bagwell's home.
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3171

Bill and Pidgie Dismukes
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3167

Courtney and George Dibble, Jack Powell and Dianne Laslie
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3175

George Bagwell, Margie Knox Lindsey, and Susan Bagwell
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3195

Neal Pope, Anne Henry Tidmore, and Jean Parker Colquitt
Posted By: Cobb Laslie
Views: 3212

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